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Ways To Relieve Eye Allergies And Irritations

Eye allergies and irritations are very common, and they are caused by plenty of indoor and outdoor factors. While some severe symptoms may require a trip to the eye doctor for prescription-strength medication, there are also many over-the-counter ways to relieve the symptoms of red, itchy, dry, or watery eyes.


Causes of Eye Allergies and Irritations

Dry, watery, red, and itchy eyes are caused when histamines are released to help fight off allergens.

Frequent irritants of eyes include:

  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Pet Dander
  • Mold
  • Smoke

Ways to Relieve Eye Allergies and Irritations

Eye Drops

Use Eye Drops

Different types of eye drops serve a specific purpose to relieve your allergy symptoms. Note that these eye drops are not to be used with contact lenses still in your eye.

Redness Relief
Red eye relief drops is typically made from a decongestant to temporarily reduce swelling of the eye’s blood vessels. The redness goes away once the swelling subsides.
Eye Allergy Relief
This drop is formulated to treat symptoms, such as redness and itchiness, that are caused by allergies.
Artificial Tears/Lubricant Eye Drops
Artificial tears mimic many of the same properties as natural tears to provide soothing relief for dry eyes. They’re free of preservatives, making them safe to use as frequently as necessary.
Multi-Symptom Relief
Some drops contain multiple formulas to quickly treat multiple symptoms of mild eye irritations.


Use Rewetting Drops

Unlike the drops listed above, rewetting drops are designed to be used with contact lenses still in your eye. These drops will add a layer of moisture onto your contacts to soothe your dry eyes and provide hydration.


Remove Contacts

If your eyes are irritated, you should take out your contacts and switch to eyeglasses. Contacts can trap in the allergens and make your irritation last longer. Wear eyeglasses, especially during allergy season, if you are continuously noticing symptoms. If you still want to wear contacts, use the proper solution to thoroughly disinfect them before wearing them again, or ask your eye doctor about switching to daily disposable contacts to avoid the allergens from accumulating on your lenses.


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Types of Eye Drops

Learn the differences between all the various types of eye drops to relieve your dry, red, or itchy eyes.